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  PROMPT MESSAGE    Comments on usage.

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.

  Problem Statement

  1) Undocumented feature. @...PROMPT...[MESSAGE] documentation does not
     indicate that the message may be a code block as well as a <cMessage>.

  2) The CENTER clause is off by one column; i.e., a centered message will
     be 1 column to the left of the desired position.


  1) N/A.

  2) Nan Goof.

  Work Around(s)

  1) Annotate your documentation.

  2) Use the undocumented feature to call a function which centers the
     message correctly. Example:
     @ 10, 10 PROMPT "Hello" MESSAGE {|| Showit("John") }
     MENU TO nChoice

     FUNCTION ShowIt(cString)
       LOCAL nRow := SET(_SET_MESSAGE), nCol
       nCol := INT( (MAXCOL() + 1 - LEN(TRIM(cString))) / 2 )
       DEVPOS( nRow, nCol ) ; QQOUT( TRIM(cString) )
     RETURN ("")

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